Cel : +34 661 125 783      Email : info@econcept.com
Closing the circular economy process
to a new ecology concept
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The future we want

The one management model to solves the problem of organic waste

Econcept manages the organic waste of your company by Biactro technology, a unique and innovative process in the recycling of organic waste.

    The Biactro technology makes to emulate and accelerate the degradation that takes place during the digestion of certain detrivores, to transform organic waste into a quality fertilizer in just 24 hours.

    A management model to brings all these advantages to your company:

    • Quality of the resulting product. The system produces an amendment with top quality nutritional characteristics, which dramatically improves the results of the compost or digestate.

    • Treatment speed: A high quality fertilizer is make in just 24 hours.

    • Zero ambiental impact: It does not generate bad odors, pests, leachates of any kind.

The integral solution for organic waste.

Econcept is the only organic waste management model to completes the process and makes sense to the circular economy as quickly than effective.

Is adapted for the treatment of any kind of organic waste:

Solid urban waste. The technology can be included within the recycling mechanisms of a landfill, composting plant or biomethanization. It can also be implemented individually in any company or organization.

Agricultural organic waste. Econcept was born to respond to the problem of waste from agricultural operations. Given its flexibility, it is easily coupled to production, classification and screening systems, to treat the resulting waste as if it were a by-product of the production chain.

Waste from livestock farms. The Biactro technology can treat produced SANDACH efficiently.

Its implementation is simple and its spatial requirements are few, so:

  1. You can easily adhere to management models that are already in place to complete and accelerate your treatment.
  2. Or, you can start from zero, assuming from start to finish the process of large volumes of waste in public or private companies, or places where the problem has not been solved.

A unique technology on the market.

Currently, the organic waste management systems are composting, bio-methanization and incineration. These processes produce odors and pests and require a high investment of time and money. For example, composting needs 4 to 6 months to produce an amendment that generally has no nutritional value.

Econcept, through Biactro technology, represents a change in organic waste management systems. A process that goes through three phases and that manages to emulate and accelerate the natural degradation mechanisms of material organic:



A crashed mechanism reduces the size of the residue.


The residue particles are biochemically treated by a catalytic oxidative system.


The stabilized material is taken to the maturation area where the last part of the process is completed.

Models to closing the circle

We provide your company with the unique sustainable management model that ensures that the biodegradable waste produced is returned to the earth in the form of a premium quality organic fertilizer. A cycle with all these advantages:


Quality of the resulting product.


Treatment speed: high-quality fertilizer in just 24 hours.


Zero environmental impact: It does not generate bad odors, or pests, or leachates of any kind.


Modular growth: a treatment factory requires little space. If the needs grow, new modules can be attached and their capacity multiplied.


Unlike biomethanization, Econcept's management model is capable of making lignin and therefore trunks, branches and roots.


Unlike traditional composting, it prevents pests from spreading through the resulting fertilizer.

EU legal objectives.

The EU sets these objetives to complete by member states in the matter of waste:

2023: It will be required to implement a brown dumpster for organic waste.

2025: The member states must be recycle 55% of the waste generated.

2027: They will only be counted as recycling data, the treated organic waste collected in brown dumpster.

2030: The member states must be recycle 60% of the waste generated.

- Those wastes that are considered recyclable cannot be deposited in landfills.

- Food waste generated throughout the distribution and sales chain will be reduced by 50%.

2035: The member states must be recycle 65% of the waste generated.

- No more than 10% of the waste generated may be deposited in landfills.

It is essential to apply an efficient management of organic waste, to comply with the guidelines set by the EU and prevent the spanish companies from suffering significant sanctions.

Our company in Las Palmas